Nolte, C., Michalska, K.J., Nelson, P.M., & Demir-Lira, Ӧ. E. (2024). Interactive Roles of Preterm-Birth and Socioeconomic Status in Cortical Thickness of Language-Related Brain Structures: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study, Cortex, 180, 1-17 [PDF].
Mullins, J. L., Abend, R., & Michalska, K. J. (2024). A Preliminary Study of Threat-Anticipatory Responding in Latina Youth: Associations with Age, Anxiety, and Cortical Thickness. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, 19(1), nsae065 [PDF].
Mullins, J.L., Cheung, C. S., & Michalska, K.J. (2024). Caregiver Experienced Racism, Acculturative Stress, and Political Hostility Predict Anxiety in Latinx Families Residing in the United States. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Online First [PDF].
Mullins, J.L., Diaz, D.E., Firat, R.B., & Michalska, K.J. (2024). Ethnic-Racial Discrimination Exposure and Anxiety in Latina Girls: Amygdala Volume as an Indirect Neurobiological Pathway. Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology, 1-22 [PDF].
Diaz, D.E., Tseng, W-L., & Michalska, K.J. (2024). Pre-scan state anxiety is associated with greater right amygdala-hippocampal response to fearful versus happy faces among trait-anxious Latina girls. BMC Psychiatry, 24(1), 1. [PDF]
Bernstein, R. A., Smith, A. R., Kitt, E. R., Cardinale, E. M., Harrewijn, A., Abend, R., Michalska, K.J., Pine, D.S., & Kircanski, K. (2023). Threat appraisal and pediatric anxiety: Proof of concept of a latent variable approach. Clinical Psychological Science, 21677026231190349 [PDF].
Mullins, J.L., & Michalska, K. J. (2023). Caregiver role in children’s threat and safety learning. In S.Chrząstowski & A. Vetere (Eds.), Safety, danger, and protection in the family and community (pp. 135-152). Routledge [PDF].
La Scala, S., Mullins, J. L., Firat, R. B., & Michalska, K. J. (2023). Equity, diversity, and inclusion in developmental neuroscience: Practical lessons from community-based participatory research. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 16, 141 [PDF].
Mullins, J.L., Zhou, E., & Michalska, K.J. (2023). Parental empathic accuracy and posttraumatic growth support Latina girls’ affective empathy and altruistic sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Psychology, 54 (1-2), 95-109.
Michalska, K. J., Benson, B., Ivie, E. J., Sachs, J. F., Haller, S. P., Abend, R., ... & Pine, D. S. (2023). Neural responding during uncertain threat anticipation in pediatric anxiety. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 183, 159-170 [PDF].
Barendse, M., Flannery, J., Cavanagh, C., Aristizabal, M., Becker, S. P., Berger, E., Breaux, R., Campione-Barr, N., Church, J.A., Crone, E.A., Dahl, R.E., Dennis-Tiwary, T., Dvorsky, M.R., Dziura, S., van de Groep, S., Ho, T.C., Killoren, S.E., Langberg, J.M., Larguinho, T.L., Magis-Weinberg, L., Michalska, K.J., Mullins, J.L. ... & Pfeifer, J. (2023). Longitudinal change in adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international collaborative of 12 samples. Journal of Research in Adolescence, 33(1), 74-91 [PDF].
Glenn, D.E., Merenstein, J.L., Bennett, I.J., & Michalska, K.J. (2022). Anxiety symptoms and puberty interactively predict lower cingulum microstructure in preadolescent Latina girls. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 20755 [PDF].
Michalska, K.J., Zhou, E., & Borelli, J.L. (2022). School-aged children with higher anxiety symptoms show greater correspondence of subjective negative emotions and autonomic arousal. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 221, 105451 [PDF].
Saragosa-Harris, N., Chaku, N., MacSweeney, N., Williamson, V. G., Scheuplein, M., Feola, B., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Demir-Lira, E., McNeilly, E.A., Goodgame-Huffman, L., Whitmore, L., Michalska, K.J., Damme, K.S.F., Rakesh, D., & Mills, K. L. (2022). A practical guide for researchers and reviewers using the ABCD Study and other large longitudinal datasets. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 101115 [PDF].
Abend, R., Burk, D., Ruiz, S.G., Gold, A.L., Napoli, J.L., Britton, J.C., Michalska, K.J., Shechner, T., Winkler, A.M., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D.S., & Averbeck, B.B. (2022). Computational Modeling of Threat Learning Reveals Links with Anxiety and Neuroanatomy in Humans. Elife, 11, e66169 [PDF].
Glenn, D.E., Feldman, J.S., Ivie, E.J., Shechner, T., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D.S., Peters, M.A.K., & Michalska, K.J. (2021). Social relevance modulates multivariate neural representations of threat generalization in children and adults. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(7), e22185 [PDF].
Mullins, J. L., Zhou, E., Glenn, D. E., Moroney, E., Lee, S. S., & Michalska, K. J. (2021). Paternal expressed emotion influences psychobiological indicators of threat and safety learning in daughters: A preliminary study. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(7), e22205 [PDF].
Glenn, D.E., Michalska, K.J., & Lee, S.S. (2021). Social skills moderate the time-varying association between aggression and peer rejection among children with and without ADHD. Aggressive Behavior, 47(6), 659-671 [PDF].
Zhou, E., Kyeong, Y., Cheung, C.S., & Michalska, K.J. (2021). Cultural values influence attitudes to mental health and help-seeking among Asian and Latinx college students. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 9(4), 1325-1334 [PDF].
Abend, R., Bajaj, M.A., Harrewijn, A., Matsumoto, C. Michalska, K.J., Necka, E., Palacios-Barrios, E.E., Leibenluft, E., Atlas, L.Y., & Pine, D.S. (2021). Threat-anticipatory psychophysiological response is enhanced in youth with anxiety disorders and correlates with prefrontal cortex structure. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 46(2), E212-E221 [PDF].
Glenn, D. E., Fox, N. A., Pine, D. S., Peters, M. A. K., & Michalska, K. J., (2020). Divergence in cortical representations of threat generalization in affective versus perceptual circuitry in childhood: Relations with anxiety. Neuropsychologia, 142, 107416 [PDF].
Abend, R., Gold, A., Britton, J.C., Michalska, K.J., Shechner, T., Sachs, J.F., Winkler, A.M., Leibenluft, E., Averbeck, B.B., & Pine, D.S. (2020). Anticipatory Threat Responding: Associations with Anxiety, Development, and Brain Structure. Biological Psychiatry, 87, 916-925. [PDF].
Michalska, K.J., Gardiner, G., & Hughes, B.L. (2020). What neuroscience can tell us about social situations: Challenges and opportunities. In J. F. Rauthmann, R. Sherman, & D.C. Funder (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Situations, Oxford University Press (pp. 437-471). [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Feldman, J., Ivie, E., Shechner, T., Sequeira, S., Averbeck, B., Degnan, K.A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Leibenluft, E., Fox, N.A., & Pine, D.S. (2019). Early-childhood social reticence predicts neural responses to fear extinction recall in preadolescent youth. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 36, 100605. [PDF].
Speer, A.C., & Michalska, K.J. (2019). Promoting Reciprocity through Theatre: Interdisciplinary Reflections from the S-Word Laboratory. Stanislavski Studies, 1-8. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., & Davis, E.L. (2019). The psychobiology of emotional development: The case for examining sociocultural processes. Developmental Psychobiology, 61, 416-429. [PDF]
Devineni, P., Papalexakis, E.E., Michalska, K.J., & Faloutsos, M. (2018). MIMiS: Minimally Intrusive Mining of Smartphone User Behaviors. [arXiv:1805.05476].
Michalska, K.J., Feldman, J.S., Abend, R., Gold, A.L., Didldine, T., Palacios-Barrios, E., Leibenluft, E., Towbin, K., Pine. D.S., & Atlas, L. (2018). Anticipatory effects on perceived pain: Associations with development and anxiety. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80, 853-860. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Machlin, L., Moroney, B., Lowet, D., Hettema, J., Robeson-Nay, R., Averbeck, B., Brotman, M., Nelson, E., Leibenluft, E., & Pine, D.S. (2017). Anxiety symptoms and children’s eye gaze during fear learning. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58, 1276-1286. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Shechner, T., Hong, M., Britton, J.C., Leibenluft, E., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N. (2016). A developmental analysis of threat/safety learning and extinction recall in middle childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 146, 95-105. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Zeffiro, T.A., & Decety, J. (2016). Brain response to viewing others being harmed in children with conduct disorder symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 510-519. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J. (2015). Emotion understanding in developmental disorders: What can neuroscience teach us? Existenz, International Journal of Philosophy, 10, 8-16 [PDF].
Michalska, K.J., Decety, J., Zeffiro, T.A., & Lahey, B.B. (2015). Association of regional gray matter volumes in brain with disruptive behavior disorders in male and female children. Neuroimage: Clinical, 7, 252-257. [PDF]
Shechner, T., Britton, J., Ronkin, E., Jarcho, J. Mash, J., Michalska, K.J., Leibenluft, E., & Pine, D. (2014). Fear conditioning and extinction in anxious and non-anxious youth and adults: Examining a developmentally-appropriate fear conditioning task. Depression and Anxiety, 32, 277-288. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Decety, J., Liu, Chunyu, L., Overmyer, M., Jacob, S., Hipwell, A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., & Lahey, B.B. (2014). Genetic imaging of the association of oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms with human maternal parenting. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 21, 1-10. [PDF]
Michalska, K.J., Kinzler, K. D., & Decety. (2013). Age-related gender differences in dispositional empathy do not predict brain responses. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 22-32. [PDF]
Decety, J., & Michalska, K.J. (2013). A neuroscience perspective on empathy and its development. In J. Rubenstein and P. Rakic (Eds.), Neural Circuit Development and Function in the Healthy and Diseased Brain: Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience (pp. 379-393). San Diego, CA.
Lahey, B., Michalska, K. J., Liu, C., Chen, Q., Hipwell, A., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Waldman, I. D., & Decety, J. (2012). Imaging the robust association of polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor-α gene with harsh human maternal parenting. Neuroscience Letters, 525, 17-22. [PDF]
Decety, J., Michalska, K.J., & Kinzler, K. D. (2012). The contribution of emotion and cognition to moral sensitivity: A neurodevelopmental study. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 209-220. [PDF]
Decety, J., Michalska, K.J., & Kinzler, K. D. (2011). The developmental neuroscience of moral sensitivity. Emotion Review, 3, 305-307 [PDF].
Decety, J., & Michalska, K.J. (2010). Neurodevelopmental changes in the circuits underlying empathy and sympathy from childhood to adulthood. Developmental Science, 13, 886-899.
Decety, J., Michalska, K.J., Akitsuki, Y., & Lahey, B.B. (2009). Atypical empathic responses in adolescents with aggressive conduct disorder: a functional MRI investigation. Biological Psychology, 80, 203-211.
Decety, J., Michalska, K.J., & Akitsuki, Y. (2008). Who caused the pain? An fmri investigation of empathy and theory of mind in children. Neuropsychologia, 46, 2607-2614.
Budson, A.E., Michalska, K.J., Sullivan, A.L., Rentz, D.M., Daffner, K.R., & Schacter, D.L. (2003). False recognition in Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence from categorized pictures. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 16, 16-27.
Budson, A.E., Michalska, K.J., Rentz, D.M., Daffner, K.R. & Schacter, D.L. (2002). Use of a false recognition paradigm
in an Alzheimer’s Disease clinical trial. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 17, 93-100.
Rentz, D.M., Faust, R.R., Michalska, K.J., Budson, A.E, Sperling, R. & Daffner, K.R. (2001). Highly intelligent elderly patients: Should the mild cognitive impairment criteria be revised for this group? Advanced Studies in Medicine, 1, 317-319.
Under Review & In Preparation
Gardiner, G., Sauerberger, K., Michalska, K.J., & Funder, D. (under review). Who Happy People Are and What They Do: Sex Differences in Personality and Behavioral Correlates of Happiness.
Glenn, D. E. & Michalska, K.J. (in prep). A novel multi-component model of coherence in emotion reactivity: Implications for the development of psychopathology.
Michalska, K.J., Walker, O.L., Troller-Renfree, S., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A. (in prep). Responding to Social Exclusion: Influences of Behavioral Inhibition.