Welcome! Here at the KIND Lab, we are dedicated to understanding children’s emotional development and behavior.


We are now scheduling participants for the next visit in our ongoing longitudinal study. Participation in this study will involve you and your child receiving an MRI scan and going through some computer-based tasks. You and your child will be asked questions about your child’s mental health. Some of the interviews will consist of standardized questions. You and your child will be asked about your child’s general mood, degree of nervousness, and behavior. Your child will also go through some tasks while attached to some equipment that will measure her sweat rate. It is expected that your participation will last 3 hours, and we will compensate you $150 as a thank you for your time and participation with us. For more information about the MRI see our MRI video.


We are currently looking for families in the Inland Empire to participate in our paid study on what emotions children aged 8-13 feel about climate change and how they cope with these emotions. You and your child will be asked questions about your child’s emotional and mental health. Your child will also answer questions about what kind of emotions they feel in response to climate change, and what they do when they feel these emotions. The visit will take place in person on the UCR campus and will last for about 1 hour. During this time, your child will be going through some questions with a research assistant while you will fill out your own survey in a separate room. Once the visit is complete, you will receive $60 in cash as a thank-you for participating. For more information, please see our Study Flyer.

We are looking for families in the Inland Empire to participate in our paid study on how the body feels during parent-child interaction tasks, with children aged 8-13. You and your child will be asked questions about your child’s emotional and mental health. Other questions will ask about your general thoughts and emotions. We will also take physiological measurements while you have conversations and complete computer tasks. It is expected that your participation will last 1.5-2 hours and will take place on the UCR campus. Once the visit is complete, you will receive $100 in cash as a thank-you for participating! For more information, please see our Study Flyer.

We are also looking for children between the ages of 8 and 12 to participate in our visual attention study. Our study consists of one visit, taking about 1 hour. During your visit, both you and your child would answer questions about your child’s behavior and emotions, and your child would participate in a computer task. Your child will also participate in computer games, where their eye movement will be recorded using an eye tracker while watching a series of short videos. Your child can stop at any time and decide not to participate. If your child qualifies for the study, and if you and your child come to UCR and participate, we will give you a $25 Amazon gift card as a thank-you. For more information, please see our Study Flyer.

Please fill out the form below if you’re interested in participating or would like more information! For more study details and to determine if you and your child may be eligible, please contact us at (951) 790-2047‬ or kindlabucr@gmail.com. We look forward to meeting you!




For additional information about the KIND Lab, please contact:

Kalina J. Michalska, PhD

University of California
Department of Psychology
Riverside, CA 92521
Office: 951-827-5209



From Los Angeles County

From the 91 freeway: Take the 91 freeway east to the 60 freeway east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.
From the 10 freeway: Take the 10 freeway east to Interstate 15 south and then to the 60 freeway east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.
From the 60 freeway: Take the 60 freeway east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.

From Orange County

Take the 91 freeway east to the 60 freeway east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.

From Ontario Airport

From the 10 freeway: Take the 10 freeway east, to the 15 south and then to the 60 east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.
From the 60 freeway: Take the 60 freeway east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second light and make a right onto Campus Drive.

From Palm Springs

Take the 10 freeway west to the junction with the 60 freeway and go west. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the first traffic signal and turn right onto Campus Drive.

From San Bernardino

Take the 215 freeway south to the junction with the 60 freeway and go east. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the second traffic signal and turn right onto Campus Drive.

From San Diego County

Take the 15 freeway north to the 215 north and then the 60 freeway west. Exit at University Avenue and turn left. Go to the first light and make a right on Campus Drive.